
Big Uncle Energy - DesiQuest Episode 1

November 14, 2023 Sandeep Season 1 Episode 1

Get ready to pack your bags and embark on a wild adventure with us on DesiQuest.  

In the pilot episode, we'll introduce you to Ash, one of our unsuspecting heroes, who finds himself in a bustling station, searching for a distant relative's friend amid a sensory overload of spices, arcane elements, and yes, even cow dung. Join us as we follow Ash's pursuit of a goblin in a conductor hat, a chase that will surely kickstart an adventure of a lifetime.

We're also thrilled to present to you an exciting line-up of characters. Meet Sitara and Chhotu, a vibrant duo that exudes color and charisma. Sitara, with her big hair, bold makeup, and flamboyant flowers, is a sight to behold. Her companion, Chhotu, a giant squirrel with multicolored fur and a bushy tail, adds to their eccentric charm. Standing in stark contrast is Laddoo Auntie, clad in worn-out attire, always on the lookout for trouble.   And then there's Murkha - a brilliant and enigmatic artificer who is always ready to help solve a problem using his contraptions engineered with magic.

Join us in this episode as we traverse through the alleys of Vehaar, and uncover the thrilling adventures that lie in store for Ash, Sitara, Laddoo Auntie & Murkha.

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Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Hello, and welcome to the DesiQuest. It definitely feels a little surreal to be saying that since this show has been three years in the making and it's probably longer in the wanting and we're only here, and this is only real because of your support. Apparently, you wanted to see this show as badly as I wanted to make it. And I'm so excited for you to see what you've helped create. I hope you'll join me in diving into Vehaar head first with my players. Because every corner of this world has been crafted with love. I'm very proud of being Punjabi. I'm proud of having spent half my life there, and I'm so excited that I get to marry two of my favorite things, my Punjabi roots, and tabletop RPG. And my hope is that if you're new here, maybe you'll learn a little bit about me and where I come from. And if you're just feeling a little disconnected from your roots, Well, welcome home. This adventure is gonna have all of the bells and whistles. There will be blood, action, adventure, romance. And if I've done my job as a proper DM, a few tears as well. So join us at the table, which we're naming the Kohinoor. And more importantly, welcome to DesiQuest. Welcome to the table players. Our beautiful diamond table, we've got our players more valuable than diamond I'm so excited to play this game with you. Stop.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Two diamonds.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Okay. Two diamonds. Make my own crown out

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Are you ready to play some d and

Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Welcome. To Veharr. We open on a bustling station full of commerce. The air is thick with all kinds of scents. You smell spices, arcane components, cow dung. Just about everything you can imagine. But more than anything, sh. You smell a piece of home. A piece of a home you didn't know you had. As you step off the boat, pondering the large airship docked just above you with a massive balloon holding aloft, the Sky Haveli. With a beautiful brand new paint job yet to be christened with its very first voyage. You wonder how quickly it could have carried you across the ocean? Unfortunately, Such pursuits are out of your economic range. Let you ponder the leaky boat, the leaky tub from the developing nation you're from that brought you here, and you take in your very first Veharian scene. Can you describe to us? What sh looks like.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

He's in later h because he's from a sort of Germanic inspired, Elfin inhabited area. Generally, he looks like a tourist. I mean, even though he is technically Vahari in his background. They can tell. He's nonresident. Let's just put it that way. So, yeah, he's got his clerics chain mail male kind of underneath a pretty dotti vestment. And, yeah, he's rocking his his bl al that he's chomping on. And you'll notice that he's not eating it from his hands. His tail is feeding him his Pretzel because he's from Bradstone Worl, which is which is the land of pretzels. Yes.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Does it look something like this?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

There's poonch - my tail. Isn't it so sweet?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

And that means tail.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah in Hindi. It means

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

tail. Yes.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

It means tail.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

That's cute.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

It's pretty it's pretty adorable. Look at the handsome little fella. Okay. You've heard that there is an uncles brother's cousin friend who was supposed to meet you here on the platform. Yes. As you gaze around, you see crates of spices, leather, fabric, spell casting components, being like sort of trucked around, letting off little thin plumes of smoke as they do so. You smell a faint ammonia smell from a gentleman next to you, a a tiefling with Buffalo horns as he kind of gruffly nudges you out of the way. Pulling or pushing and rolling, I should say, a barrel ahead of him.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, excuse me. I was in the way of the barrel, so I'm so sorry. Okay.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Good times. That's culture.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And he continues rolling the barrel. People pushing past each other to go about their business, throngs of humanity, giving you side long looks not necessarily because of the way that you're dressed, but mostly because you are standing very much in the way. Give me a perception check. Okay. No pressure. You're just setting the, you know the tone for this entire campaign.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I am plus seven. And I wanna you know, I gotta use the real

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

dice for

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

your first role. Come on. And my cute little dice tower. How did you go? What'd you get? Okay. A six plus seven Mhmm. Thirteen.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You notice not the description of your uncles, brother, friends, cousins. The details get fuzzy. Yeah. You don't notice anyone of that description on the platform, but you do notice a small goblin with a bushy tom selick mustache, long hair, A smart little like conductor style hat, green clothes, and a long woven shawl wrapped unceremoniously around his neck. He comes over and he goes, "Yeah. I take luggage. Yeah." And he just starts calmly grabbing your luggage and stacking it up. Okay.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I assume this is your licensed for this, I imagine.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

That could actually be considered offensive to us.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He looks up and he says, "yeah, license. Yeah.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay, great. Yeah. Take everything.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Here you go. He takes all of it, stacks it up high on his shoulders, and on his head. Taking a couple of your suitcases, holding them in his hands, and he wanders into the crowd.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. So I start chasing after him.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Give me a athletics check.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. Come on, poonch. Let's do this. A nineteen.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

A nineteen. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You're able to push your way past all of the moving people and you manage to find the small goblin again. Still walk ing just kind of at a determined clip with your luggage.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. Excuse me. I I assume you know my cousin's brother's uncle's son. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Great. And you know his name. Right? Yeah. What's his name?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Beta. Beta.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

That's so cool. That's what my mom calls me too. What a coincidence. Yeah. Yeah. They did say there's there's beta. A sweet beta. Yeah. Okay. Alright. Continuing to trust you. Let's go to him.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Meanwhile, on the other side of the platform, a covered cart pulls up outside. Led by two very large, very woolly, cloven, hoved animals were somewhat resembling water buffalo, but with a thick curly mat of hair kind of falling over the eyes. You recognize these beasts auntie, because this is your friend, Balwinder's cart. I shouldn't say friend, maybe nephew. Yes. He's much younger, I think. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. He's he's a he's a young gentleman married now, unlike when you first met him.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

To a lovely girl who makes perfectly round rotis.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, you know. Oh, cool. Sorry. I couldn't resist. It just came out.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. You've you are rather fond of her of her chai making skills. Hey, well, Jackpot. Yeah. You get along very well. She knows all the town's gossip. You've heard that your friend, Murkha, is receiving someone at the station today and needs a rather large vessel with in which to cart all of their luggage. Mhmm. And so, of course, you know, Balwinder they're sitting unceremoniously in the in the driver's seat, would be more than happy to bring you. He steadies both of the beasts. And since like I said, you know them, Sandalwood and Elaichi.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Delicious scents. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Mhmm. And the beasts themselves actually do smell pretty good, as good as a beast of burden can smell. They have large gentle eyes and three tails that swish restlessly. They're double sets of horns kind of shaking impatiently. You're sitting here with Sitara and waiting for this man to come out as well as Murkha. We'll start with Sitara. Sitara, what do you look like?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Sitara is a very bold looking woman. There's nothing small about her appearance. She's Big hair, big makeup eyes, colorful flowers around her hair. She's wearing a beautiful sort of like a mixture of fabrics wrapped around her in a vaguely similar to Dhoti pants.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

You know?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

This is similar like, pulled up pair of pants, so they're practical, but gorgeous. And sitting next to her is her companion, a trusty trusty companion, Chhotu. The squirrel. Mhmm. The giant squirrel. Mhmm.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And what does Chhotu like look like?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Chhotu is about three feet long. The big bushy tail. No. This is this is accurate. National Geographic, I'm telling you. From from tip to tail. It's about three feet long. Big bushy tail, and he has multi colored fur. So there's a cobalt blue and a purple, a gold, a sort of marigold color and he's just sitting next to her, just keeping an eye out for things. He seems very alert, very aware, very excited that they're in the marketplace.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Does he look something like this?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Chhotu, Arre Beta! My little okay. So so he's he theoretically, I can't think. He's he's gigantic.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

He's gigantic. This one's much

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

This is

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

This one has been reduced by us.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Yeah. This is him after he's worked out a lot. Yeah, that's him on Keto. It's exactly what I was saying.


Yeah. It's exactly what I was saying.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

This is when he tried that Ketogenic Ketobito business. I don't think we're

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

already there.


We're already

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

at the saying the words with another word. You sit in the in the cart. The back of it has windows that are adorned with like different colored fabrics, not unlike the ones here, sort of covering the windows. Sunlight streams in through one and outside, it is a beautiful Veharrian Day. Absolutely gorgeous. Maybe a little too hot, but you are in the coastal region. So there is a nice cool breeze kind of kicking up and coming in gently through the window. You're sitting across from

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Laddoo Auntie. Laddoo Auntie

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Laddoo Auntie is a bit of a stark contrast. To Sitara.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Yes. So firstly, Laddoo Auntie is not like the glitz and the glam. She is very much as she woke up. Like each and every day. She sleeps with a messy braid or she sleeps, you know, with her hair in, like, kind of a little thin towel. And then she puts it into a messy braid in the morning. She wears one of, like, two saris that are one thousand years old. She doesn't wish to buy anything new. She wears the oldest sandals in the entire world, and she'll hit you with one if you're annoying. She has had the same gold jewelry on that she seemingly never takes off just like a ring that is basically cemented to her finger, a bangle that is cemented there. She always is kind of looking out for a bit to be careful. No. No. No.

Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

No. No. No. Looking out and

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

trying to to parent to mother from afar and from inches away.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Amazing. Yes. Rekha. Yes. Do you know how to roll a d one hundred? I literally thought

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

you were joking when you said that was a thing. We're gonna learn today.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

We're gonna learn today.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

What the

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

hell? So we I do I do an old school style. You have two dice. You have one that it's has, like, double digits. Oh,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I've seen those. I guess.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

That's what this was. No. That's what that was. I was like, these are stupid. Yeah. And then you have another that has single digits on it.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Yeah. That's similar looking.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. That's very similar looking.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. It's

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Im joyful right now.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

The one with the zeros represents the sort of tens place. These are what we call, like, percent die.


Can I

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

tell you what I thought you were gonna pull out?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

What? I was like, if someone thought a hundred sided die, I'm gonna throw up. That's gonna

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

look so fucking crazy. Yeah. Give me a roll.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Thirty two. You are thirty two minutes late. I learned that you're gonna say "years old. I'm like, no, I'm not. You you were supposed to be here thirty two minutes ago.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Okay. And I will say, Laddoo Auntie, does not notice that. Even if it is true, IST.



Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

She's like, I was on time. Yeah. Yeah.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Despite anyone that was hurrying her out the door, Arre wait. Arre wait.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

So, you know, Murkha, you probably realized that poor Ash has either been waiting for some time. Probably a little bit confused on the platform. But Auntie doesn't care.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

There she is Laddoo Auntie.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Break her right in half



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And she has a ladle.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Oh. Yeah. For those who don't know, a laddoo is like a little sweet kind of thing that you eat.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

It's very delicious treat.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

And yeah. This is an auntie that's known for making them, you know.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

M urkha It occurs to you that your uncle's cousin's brother's friends, sisters, brother, nephew



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Is probably a little confused inside. You you noticed that there is like a rush of humanity coming out of the door as this boat has like, a few boats I should say, their entire passenger load has disembarked at once. Got it. Sending, like I said, a rush of tieflings, dwarves, humans, all types of people into the streets. You don't immediately see a person of the description matching Ash.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Okay. So I and I'm like standing at, like, the harbor where, like, the boats are pulling up.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You're sitting outside the station that is erected around the harbor. There is this massive marble structure.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You are in the capital city of Sarpani, Chand Bay. Chand Bay is a place full of Commerce. IT IS HOME TO THE BIGGEST PORT. IT'S actually quite a bit away from your hometown or where you're stationed in Diwaney. Mhmm. But, you know, it's it's a it's a beautiful city. How many times have you been here? Would you say?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, I've been here at least ten times.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

At least ten times. At least

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

ten times.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. You know your way around Chand Bay, but you also know there are a lot of people in Chand Bay. The city's stretches across a bunch of isles kind of dotting this somewhat of a flood plain region.



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

The air is salty and sweet and you hear the call of beautiful multicolored birds and cranes as they soar over your head. They distract you for a moment before you realize why you're here as very brusquely A few people kind of push past you as you're standing outside the cart. Balwinder a dwarf with a turban and a walking stick kind of like smacks the side of the cart and says to you.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I need you

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Your friend, where is your

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, yeah. The yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've just gotta go pick up my my cousin. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. How much do I owe you?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I don't it's it's free.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I'll pull out like a a a stack of cash and just like hand it over.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He slaps you.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

is that an attack? Because I have a reaction. my so I have, like, a a, like, a large, like, very heavy, like, cloak, essentially. And it just looks like a huge, just like chunk of fabric. It's very pronounced. But as that slap goes through, there are intricately within the sleeves a ton of electronics that I've built in. Mhmm. That sort of fire up as a reaction in I cast Shield. Bringing my AC up to twenty.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. The bounce lapsed harmlessly against your shield, but it was really more like as the sentiment



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

That because she's like Yeah.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Because he's like, what are you doing?

Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I'm here a s your friend and I'm not gonna charge you money.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. I I appreciate that. And every time I hear it, I just

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

wanna pay you more.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

This isn't a ride share

Omar Najam/Murkha:

No. I understand that.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I just wanna thank you for your services.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Your your friend

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Uh-huh. Well, yeah. Though my na

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

think he's gonna be scared confused alone, doesn't speak the language, and he's lat

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Anyou know, th1irty or two, and willfully gets

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

some informatio

Omar Najam/Murkha:

He's late.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Roll me a d4 to see who caused the lateness.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I do think it was our fault, but two.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Clearly, of course it was my fault. Everyone can wait. You can't really just look like this all the time. It requires work. It requires training. It requires a certain hand. You know? People will wait. So you're friends.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. That's right. Okay. Baccha let's go. And his Murkha's little buddy pops up and it's a a it's like a robotic servant, but, like, It's my friend. Mhmm. And it's like a mechanical red panda that can fly. So little jets kinda fire up. As we kind of jump out of the wagon together.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. This creeping monstrosity of metal and steam and creaking bones, dripping a little bit of oil out of the elbow comes out and goes, bam,

Omar Najam/Murkha:

let's go bunch up. Cello.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Johu just starts chittering. Damn, chittering into my arm. I I know. No. No. No. No. No. Of course. Of course. You're my favorite.



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Watch your link. Winks at you before at least.


If you

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

get grossed out every time a man makes a face a day like that, you're going to have an upset stuff.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Oh, Jesus. Sick.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And Butcha moves with you Right. Through the crowd.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

We start like, yeah. Just, like, running through the crowd. Mhmm. And we're running and I bump into someone, like, where I buy, like, another, like, wagon that's, like, automated and I, like, stop and go, like, Hey. How much for this wagon?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

This is not for sale.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Then how okay. Okay. Fine. I'll double it. How much for this bite?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

So I I am selling what is in the wagon.



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Not not the wagon.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Like the engine pieces, like do you mean, like, in terms of, like, the mechanics that are going on? Look, I have to pick up my cousin. I just, like, I'm looking at this, and I'm getting you know what? I'm sorry. Actually, don't worry about it. And I just turn I need to break through the crowd.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Give me a perception check

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

to see

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

if you can find Perfect. Someone matching Ash's description.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Okay. Here we go. Oh, that's a negative too.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, yeah. Mhmm.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

That's fine. Ten

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

ten. And what is Butch's perception?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Butch's plus four.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Mhmm. Do you

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

wanna roll or do you want me to?


Oh, you I yeah.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

What are you please, please, please.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Go ahead. DM Lock Roll. Fifteen. As you get distracted by all of the worrying machinery, and in fact, you would notice there's crates of shiny metallic machine parts going by. They catch your eye for just a moment. And as you're watching this like Craig go by being carried by two elephant headed headed creatures. It is butcha who spots ash and

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

goes People, unko, unko, unko.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I'm I'm So, actually, I'm just busy just giving this all of his money.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Uncle. Wait. Wait. Tell me. And so



Omar Najam/Murkha:


Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Wow. What

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I hear that and I see the cash exchange and I run up and just stop robbing my cousin. Oh, what's happening? Hey. Hey. No. Hey. Set back, I'll handle this. I'm I'll handle this. What what is what is happening here? What what are you doing?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Give me an well, are you trying to are you Give me an intimidation check. Okay. Yeah. Of course. Give me an invitation check.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Okay. Great. Here we go. Intimidation. That's a nine. What can you do with that?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. What can I do with that?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

What's going on here? I'm

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

carrying his luggage.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. He said he needed to carry everything including my wallet full of all of the money I had.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

So I'm hearing from him.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, up to oh, oh, I'm I'm so sorry.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Oh, I apologize. You should be sorry.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. I sorry about that. I I apologize.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Do I wanna carry?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Do I wanna carry it?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You wanna carry it? Oh, you probably can.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

No. No. I could. But why don't I take the joy from you? No. Please. Go ahead. You seem to be enjoying it so much.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Are you thinking about cousins, sisters, brothers, uncles, daughter? Who Who's also a man?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

That's me. Wow. Gosh.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

It's so good to meet you.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Your eyes fall on. Would you describe of yourself. Absolutely.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I am Merca. I am a stout gentleman in the big coat chuffles. I have very, like, jovial facial features, but one of my eyes is just like this piercing darting artifact that is constantly just analyzing everything and seems to be doing like mathematics on my own recently. The other eye is covered by an eye patch. Most of that is cartened with salt and peppered hair and I have a great big bushy beard. That I think sort of, like, speaks for the personality of Merka before he even opens his mouth.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Something like this an Indian, Matt Berry.


Yeah. That's

Omar Najam/Murkha:

what you have ever gotten. Oh my god.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I can see the coat from here.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Oh, I'm proud of all. I love it.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Look at that.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

What do you think?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Here you go.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

That's cute. That's pretty cute.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

That's pretty cute.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

That's pretty cute.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Thank you.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Pretty cute. Yay.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, my little peeps.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, my little peeps. Look at

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

all these little brown menis.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

And this is very sexy. I love about this together

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

now. I'm so excited


about it. I'm looking

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

at this and I'm like, okay.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I'm I'm probably gonna take this that.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Just, like, go to the Taylor and be like,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

like, this is what I wanna do with you. And we can leave the spot. You can leave the spot.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Alright. Well, if you're already carrying these packages and I'll sling my bag onto the entire pile. Cousin, how are you?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, I'm so great. I'm it's so delicious to meet you. It's very You look great. You look like a waste bin. I'm saying that right. Right?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Well, yes, you are. But it said the the feedback is harsh.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

So let me tell you. I'm not harsh.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

No. Oh, gosh. It's I'm pretty I'm I'm sorry, but Verhari is a sort of a second language to me. So sometimes I get my words kind of mixed into congress.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, got it. Well, I'll make sure to speak very quietly and very slowly then so you can understand everything that I'm saying. Don't worry about it. Please come with me. We have many things to go see. How was your sailing trip? How was that? Describe that to me in everywhere that you could possibly

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

use. Okay.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Long spacious, scary, rudimentary seven, and chouple.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, okay. Alright. We'll have to speak to them about that. Okay. Yeah.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

But you know this guy, right, this coupling?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

As you turn to Oh,

Omar Najam/Murkha:

thank god. So just so you know, we don't hear it, we don't refer to folks by by rate.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Don't just say that race. I'm now. Oh, no. Not very good. I'm learning so much.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. This wonderful assistant.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

So we just we just reflect by their job. Yes. You're right.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

We say my employee

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. You say you say driver. Okay? You say yan. Rick Shabalala, you don't say gondolin.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Gondolin. Okay.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Cool. No.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

That's not okay.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

As you'll turn to say this and you're having this conversation about what is the appropriate word to call a a goblin person, to gesture, to thin air.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, gosh. That happens sometimes. I'm sorry, I didn't get to see that.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

To add all of my belongings.

Omar Najam/Murkha:


Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I think we should try to go

Omar Najam/Murkha:

find this guy. There are two options here. Two possible situations listening. One is he was hit with some sort of natural hacks. That cause him to completely vanish. Usually, those don't affect packages as well. The other is that he has me to break for it.



Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I think yeah. And I'm gonna run after the guy, so and I'm gonna bolt in a direction that I think that he went.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Are we prepared in the yeah. Are we within of this, or are they far far away from us sitting in the carriage?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Like, have he have he Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Well, do you think you stayed in the carriage, or do you think you've

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I definitely sit in the carriage. I don't want to I don't want to attract the seat.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. So while you're actually sitting in the carriage, but when there opens, the the back of it and kind of makes conversation with you instead. I was like, should I should I maybe go get us a a drink, a snack, you want anything here?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

No. We can have it to have.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Don't you Oh.

Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

The house is hours away. Just

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yes. Okay. Okay. Yes. Yes. Do do. Yes. Can we get some nuts or something?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

No. I can probably find peanuts or something.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, wonderful. Would you go find this peanuts? Please dialing, please.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He looks at you. Kind of really knowing that the offer was more for you than it was for us. His beloved, aren't he?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

She wants nuts. She gets nuts. But don't come to me when you get a loose motion from reading street nuts.



Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Don't come to me when he had to lose motion for any street class.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Thank you so much. And there'll be some water and barge.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

We have water at home.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

We don't have water in the garage.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Mother's frozen song. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

It's a very different scene out inside the station compared to the chaos that has broken up inside the station.



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

As you are looking for your bag frantically, in this in this busy commerce hub, this busy commercial hub, I should say. You realize that all of the porters do have a uniform. Many of them with an official

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

signal would have noticed that the goblin pop what? Sorry. The assistant was not wearing any of the art.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You keep using this word. Yeah.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I'm not introduced to him as a goblin. Okay.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And keep using this word. And, you know, yeah, you pretty distinctly remember that this goblin was not wearing this uniform and did not have the embroidered on logo of the station.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. I I knew something was kind of up because my tail was punch was going crazy. Every time I handed him a new piece of luggage, but sometimes he's a little paranoid. So I'd Anyway, we

Omar Najam/Murkha:

gotta go to the bottom of this. I turned to like a food stall. Hi, can I buy that roti?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. As you turn to a food stall, you feel a tug on your coat. People people

Omar Najam/Murkha:

What is it, Bajaj?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And it points at a nearby, like, little inflated balloon vendor. You see these, like, thin, sort of, like, like, almost like they're made out of gelatin, balloons being conjured by a mage, they then tie them off like these giant, like, sort of stretchy bubbles in different colors, but she points at them and says,

Omar Najam/Murkha:


Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:


Omar Najam/Murkha:




Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:


Omar Najam/Murkha:

Brilliant. Wonderful. My son is KinoSmart. Okay. And I Sprint and I purchased three balloons.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:


Omar Najam/Murkha:

And I would like to cast my magical tinkering on them. Oh. Because I can have a static visual and I wanna put a visual of the gentleman that took my cousin's luggage. Wow. It

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

will be.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

It's a great lunch up. And while you don't fly around with this balloon and ask people have you seen this person?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

That's incredible.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Ash. I want you to run around with this balloon and ask people have you seen this person. Okay? I'm gonna run this back to the carriage. And this club do want you to run around and ask if anyone seen us

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

person. Got it.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

We'll be back here in if we don't see each other in two hours, let's say. Okay. Great. Break.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. Cool. And I'll

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

her running.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Any sense of time I had was in my luggage, so I don't I just start running around and asking people. Excuse me, have you seen this person?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Give me a performance check with Advantage since you have a balloon with the individual's image on it.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I will take that thirteen. Have you seen this person?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I am.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

But performance

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

and not to perform anything. Yeah. Like, someone trying to understand the culture and just taking one weird wild swing.



Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I am so sad he stole my stuff.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

This is like someone going to time square me like this all Spider Man. Yeah. I guess that's what New York is like.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

A very tall slender elf in a simple gourthakbajama turns around and is like, takes you in for a moment. With their eyes sort of like trying to wrap their head around what you were doing and then respond. Now, I have not trying to, like, match your cadence.



Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay? You have no help to me currently, but you do speak selfish. Right?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And then you notice their voice changes as they respond in Elvish. Yes. I I do.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

How amazing. So do I Oh, from Brisahold.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Oh, that explains the Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

You know that clothing is not

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

as practical over here. It gets kinda hot. Like, you gotta get yourself some Well, like yeah. What what are you here for?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I would love to get some anything, but, yeah, all my money and all my belongings were

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

No way.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. There was an assistant who And I thought yet here

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:


Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

And seemed like they knew what they were doing, so I just gave them all my stuff. And now I'm I'm looking for that.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

When they they were one of the like, if they were one of the station porters, if you go to the station manager, they would

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I'm thinking they they were not.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Oh, you shouldn't give your luggage to someone who's not a port like, a part of the Porter's Guild.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

And because the half an hour ago, me, is so thankful for that advice. Is

Omar Najam/Murkha:

that not is

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

that not in your orientation?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Ointation. No. I just my parents, you know, just sent they didn't even Honestly, I don't even know I'm here. So I didn't really get I just kind of left home.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

What? Yeah. That's crazy.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Happy to get into that, like, later. So, guys, do you have any, like, tips? Like, is there any way I could figure out how to get my stuff back?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. I think I think we would probably figure it out. Okay. Yeah. And you're saying, he looks like this balloon.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

He looks like, oh, sorry. The balloons. Yeah. He looks like that. Wow.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Okay. So he's a porter with a mustache. Mhmm. Okay. And greenish complexion. Okay. I mean, that's a that's a start. We could we could go to the local authorities. There's also, like, a tourists, like, killed. They might be able to help you.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

He's, like, he's, like, close, you know, because, like, couldn't have gotten fired.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He just laid off. You don't think he got fired?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

And you're, like, you're really tall. Maybe I'm pretty tall.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Do you want me to, like, take a look? Yeah. Okay. He takes a look.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Was at eighteen.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Oh, pretty good

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

luck. Yeah. Pretty high in the guy. He, like, looks around I was narrowing for a moment, towering above the crowd. And then it's like, isn't that him right there? And he points out a small goblin

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

With several bags stacked up on top of his head.


I mean

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

One on each hand.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. So I just I just thank you and run off to the the job one and try to confront him. You

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

mentioned Mark. People. Shore. People. Shore. Shore. Shore. Shore. Shore. Shore. Sure. Sure.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Can I turn to see what Butch is pointing at?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And you see you see small pumes of smoke coming out of I don't know why you gave Butch hour but coming out of some orifice as the gears were as the gears were and he is bobbling a little bit unsteadily through the air towards one of the exits. One of the many I guess, arches in this marble wall that forms the entrance of the station.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Okay. Good job, budcha. I'm gonna get back up. And I'll continue running over to the wagon.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Mhmm. As you mhmm.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. Just wanna cast a spell. What do you wanna cast? I want I think how far away am I from that the goblin that was pointed at?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You're about, like, ninety feet.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Is there a lot of people around him?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

There is. You're in a pretty you're on a pretty crowded, like, platform. Like, there's boats kind of coming into the harbor arrest hanging, like, sort of, like, deep in the water, heavy with burdens of all kinds of materials coming and going.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Almost what I wanted to do. I don't know if I can. Mhmm. If you can help me is, like, cast something healing to him.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

To, like, heal him?

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Yeah. To heal his sin.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. Well, I'm not

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

a sin. I got it.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

But just let me yeah.


Because I

Omar Najam/Murkha:

don't wanna think about temple. Yeah.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I just wanna slow him down in some capacity. And and if it gives him some HP fine.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I mean, you can certainly heal him. I don't think it would slow him down, but it might catch his attention.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

That's what I mean.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Well, it's

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

gonna heal his anxiety about running away.


Oh, wow.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

So then he has less adrenaline, so he's, like, running back come here at one.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. Like I said, we give them the hittish rooms kind of things. Thanks. It's sort of

Omar Najam/Murkha:

it's sort of been

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

a joyful place. Mhmm. Mhmm.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Just hit it when there's a lot of spells.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:


Omar Najam/Murkha:

A little sleepy. You will get in sleep. It'll affect us a little bit.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I would say that, like, you might be able to cast guidance on him, but you would have to make it up to him, give me an athletics check.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. What about an acrobatics check? How are you?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

How are you moving through the craft?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I'm just thinking if there's anything hanging, you can jump, and use

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

my gosh.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead and give me

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

an accent.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I'm very very, like, the monkeys are in Tracations anymore. Come on.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Well, indeed. Too

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

high. Eighteen.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. There are signs kind of fast into the vaulted painted ceiling of this giant structure.



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Kind of informing you where to go, where the different platforms are, and you are able to definitely reach up to one with a hand and swing from it grabbing another one with your tail booj. Until eventually, you do see



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

gauntlet down below you. You're able to land. Go ahead and give me another acrobatics check to see how gracefully you land. Okay.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

How about a net twenty? Whoa. Yeah. First net twenty

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I think I think I was who. Right? No. You vote


against me.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

You vote

Omar Najam/Murkha:

against me. You vote against me.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

You vote me.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Which is Someone You don't ever I didn't

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

even run for me. Didn't you? Somebody went for me.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I did because you were

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

the only one no one said

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

would get a twenty in

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

a way. No way. Get in

Omar Najam/Murkha:

a way I will.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

You pity voted for me and you won. Yeah.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I wasn't part of this pool. I think you're not allowed to

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

be. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Because

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

then, yeah, too much against


the game.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Too much power. With way power comes greatest Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I would probably No. No.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

That too.


So I

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

have a twenty five. Okay. Mike.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You not only avoid the fall damage, you would have taken from the site because you weren't so gracefully, but you actually land on top of the porter.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. Great. So I assume that stops him. I don't even have to cast a spell then.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

No. No. Okay. Great. All of the luggage stacked on his head kind of goes tumbling one over the other onto the ground. The bags fly out of his hands a little bit.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

And are they my bags in my luggage? Yes. Oh, oh, cool.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You're getting the wrong person. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Yeah. As you like Atlanta who oh. Hey, so sorry.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

But I think you stole all our stuff, so I had to land on top of you.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

No. You got it. Was bringing it for you.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Bringing it where

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

to the outside.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

To the outside. Yeah. But I don't want it outside. I want it with me and my friends.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Than what I carry for you.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Yeah. Okay. I I'm taking inside checks. This is too realistic for character.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

This is the hardest MPC I've ever dealt with in DND.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Yeah. It's

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

like he's

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

he's enough to choice. Yeah. But I like the day ACVOTION.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

ASH is so easily like trusting Yeah. Even when he's totally has all the evidence

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

is not

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

to show them this person who's feeling from. He, like, really wants to believe him no matter what. Yeah. But my tail is going nuts and, like, kinda trying to smack me in the back of


that head.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. So yeah. Okay. I'll have to investigate further with twelve insight.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He seems to be telling the truth.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. I think he's he's telling the truth. I'm not hearing for you. That's great. When you carry it to a place that we want it to go,

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Mhmm. You're gonna leave. I'm caring for you.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yes. But leave. I need to know I don't know where I'm going yet. You see? I need my my friend, Marka,

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

that one. Oh, yes. And do you see a Merka party through the crowd? Merka, hey,

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I got I got them. I'm getting back up. Thank you. We don't even back up here. Butches on the way to help. Yeah.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. I don't think we need him. And he's gone out right now. Alright. Well, my tail is not in for this. So I feel like my tail leaches out and grabs the goblin, like, wants to hold him

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:


Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Until, you know, help arrives.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Mhmm. You're gonna help me?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Cheap. Absolutely. I love this.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Right. Yeah. I I I will help you carry my stuff.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

As your tail like wraps around a shoulder, a little bit. And he puts a bag in the tails. He puts a bag in the tails. Incredible. Mhmm.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. So, I guess, why don't you carry the stuff and walk ahead of me? At a pace at which that I could keep eyes on you.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

There you walk slow.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I walk almost Yeah. I get your luck. Comparison to you. Yes. I'm not sure. Okay. You look like a waste bin. I'm trying to compliment. Is that that the right word?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I heard foreigners are racist, but I didn't I

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

didn't embrace. No. No. No. No. I don't know all the words I meant like, you know, those really pretty things that grow in the pond on a lily pad. You look like that.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

My little, like, garbage on a pond. It look like pond garbage. Hell yeah. You're telling me a little, like, something.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Mark, incredible.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You can't even walk in the station without getting locked because you're telling me I'm waste bin. You can't even walk through station.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Where I'm from, my guy, away spin is very useful, and I meant it as a compliment. I used the wrong word. Mhmm.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

From now on, you call me bunty uncle? That's it. Not waste bin. Not anything else.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. Bunty uncle. Banty uncle. Okay. Bam.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Bahdiadah. Bahdiadah. Bahdiadah, I accept.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And this time, he actually leads you through the station like a lot like at a slower pace, kind of treating you the way one would like a child. He points things out to you.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, that's beautiful. Like a waste bin. Oh, no. Sorry. Another word.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Self too.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

This is the most realistic character. I won't receive it. I feel like I put this person outside the Chenay Airport. Every single time I go to India, where you're like, what are you doing? And like, it's okay.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

No deal.


What do

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

you mean it's okay?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

And we are playing my least favorite relative. So Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Come come home. Where did your where did your friend go?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

He said he was getting butt eyed.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He sent a meet here, so it's forty.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Forty one. Forty. Forty. Forty. But you're my uncle. Oh, yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Make a persuade and check.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, boy.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

He told you.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

C'mon six.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Forty. Okay. Standing at the archway of the station, you now see someone of the description of of Barca's cousin standing and arguing with a porter.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, god. This poor guy. I Andy, I think we need to go ahead and have been

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

my god. First, he's late. No. I have to die.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I don't no point. I I've I've just hop out of the of the carriage. I pull my and then put it over my head a little bit to just block my face a little bit. I'm not much more to say is,

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I don't want to create this In

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

car leases?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Yes. I'm in car details. And so then I I I just come on. Come on.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Does, you know, the On top of the line.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:


Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

And she casually pets an animal and passes by. Yeah. Holding up her sorry.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Daling now, you have I'm are you a worker's cousin?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Yes. Oh my god. You're so unbelievably late.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Wait a minute. What's your name?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, my name is Ashwa Parma. But you told me Listen

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

to his beautiful accent. Oh. Oh, my goodness. I see something else.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

The blush shitting. I've, like, honestly, never I I'm a country bumpkin, so I've never seen a film star in my life. So I only I'm just tripping over. I don't words, waste bin?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh. Oh, listen. The language is so hard for them. This is going to be delightful. You. How much? Forty. Just ten. Go down. And I can't get the

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

notes. So

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Give Yeah. Give me a first wing check. Yeah. This is You're bartering. Sixteen. This is the most decision.


Yeah. I'm a

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

cyberpunk that ended the evening. Sixteen.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Yeah. Ish, you should have said five.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He takes the ten, unceremoniously drops the luggage as he does so. Three of you give me a perception check. Perception?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Twenty five. Or

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

twenty five is the highest. Yeah. You see it. Almost like it's floating on the wind. You're not sure if it flew out of its pocket, If it came off of one of the pieces of luggage, you're not sure what it is, but you see something small, something black, catch your eye. It flutters a little bit on the wind, kind of rotating as it's moving along.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

No. It is. Shut up.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

A business card.



Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

job. Yeah. My tail whips out and snatches it under the air. Mhmm. Wow. Wow. Is this some kind of calling card of some sort?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Let me see.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Like a like when you go to a vendor and you buy the same thing a day after day and then if you buy four of them, then they give you the fifth one, three, one of those cards.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

What did they do that? Let me see. Yeah. Sounds like some sort of business girl with no name.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Sure. Sure, Andy. She looks like for so long, is it? I don't know.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Actually, give me give me.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Like, everyone's like, she's on to say.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. She's on it.


She does.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

She doesn't know. I don't

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

know. Okay. What did you say?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Give me an Arkana or religion check your choice.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Okay. Arkana have plus three religion and

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

plus ones. We'll do a Kana. If

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

seven. And

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Or Yeah. Yeah. You don't know.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

She doesn't know.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I don't know. Wait.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Take it again. After you I don't know.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Go ahead and give me another contract since you inspected it as well. Mhmm. Or or a religion, whichever one is. Yes. Seventeen. Seventeen. The sickles on it look vaguely familiar to you. You wonder to yourself that if you were to hold it for a moment, and maybe show a sign of respect or make a request, but maybe something would happen. Oh,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Let let let my seat again. Oh, that was it's my tail. It's my tail. It's the gestures. So beautiful.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Very thin.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Is that a compliment? I'm just


going to

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I'm just going to take it and put it in my hand and just

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

do this.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Can we do that?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

It blows my eyes.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

As you do, you attune to this item. Cool. And you are whisked away.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Why don't you intermission.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Hello, my dear, DCquestions. I am so so excited. We are so so excited to let you know that on the very day that this, our pilot episode is premiering, that this, but you a full new t t r p g book, the Mandela Obsera Core Rulebook, is also available to you, too, bye now, and play.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Look at it. It's so shiny and magical. Yeah.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I guess, buying. Yeah. Candela Obsterra is a Gothic horror role playing game that places you in the roles of investigators working for an esoteric order. So individuals of varied talents are brought together under the organization, Candela Obscura, and through that, you'll to strange occurrences and encounter dangerous magics fighting back against a mysterious source of corruption and bleeds.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Okay. I'm in. Do I have to get, like, some new dice or

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Thank you might actually have enough dice to play already because Mandela Obscura is the first to use the illuminated world system, a newly designed system that uses six sided eyes and lends itself to narrative, art driven play. And you can check out how to play on critical role on YouTube and Twitch in a show that that I wasn't

Omar Najam/Murkha:

You That's amazing. Oh my gosh. Where was my casting call for that?


It's so pretty.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

The book is amazing.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Wow. Thanks for the good people at Jerington Press. The complete Mandela Obscura compendium is now available. That is two hundred four pages of knowledge containing the rules, the creatures, the adventures, and the guide to this setting. Amazing.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

So pretty.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Through time and space, everything seems to stop and you are enveloped in a warmth. Steam fills your vision. You can feel the warmth and the humidity around you, not hot enough to burn you, but just enough to make you feel cozy. Maybe a little uncomfortably cozy. And as the steam clears, Anjali. No. No. No.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

No. Who have you

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

joined me in the tea kettle? You are in a heavily curtains space. The walls are draped with thick valvets and brocade that seemed completely muffled the outside world.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

My daughter was getting up by this guy. My daughter was getting up


by this guy. My daughter

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

was getting up by this guy.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You cannot discern the shape of the vessel that you are in. And indeed, there are lanterns hanging from a fabric colored ceiling. At one point, this may have been a tea shop, but now it's more of a tea lounge as the counter has a thick film of dust on it, as though it has not been used in a very long time.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Hey. But just be quiet. You're too loud. For damage. I've tried to have a got the patient in a different dimension here. Jesus.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Anjali can't hear herself. Okay. There's a thick film of dust on the counter as business hasn't been conducted here in a long time. There are numerous vessels sort of piled up high on the shelves and tending bar somewhat is an entity. An entity that you may have heard of with how high your role was, but not in a very long time. Truly, you thought maybe she was a thing of myth or legend. She stands here. Her skin is sort of deep purple color her hair flowing out with a bun on top and her eyes. Her eyes are what really gets you. They're lavender, but they bubble like like a pot of tea about to come to a boil. She comes to you with two cups of tea They smell nutty and spicy. And in fact, you get a little whiff of cashew as you inhale. Welcome.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Sorry. Bottoms up. Oh, wait. Oh, that's good. I try so about this. I wasn't here. Now I'm here. Could you

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Oh, you asked for a boom.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I did ask for a boom. You're right. I did ask for a boone. The thingies,

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

are you in distress?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

It's not good for a moment. I I've In general, well, Part of me is, is it possible to say, find out what kinds of boons you best do and then I can see that for later. Yes. You know, like like if I were to put this chai in a travel cup and carry it away with just a little bit of metal on the top, you know, like metal and then, Of course, you know. I'm sorry. You're a very intelligent being. The thing is, yes, I'm impersonal distress, but nobody knows it tonight, draw the wait to see if I needed more later.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Technically, these are expired. Oh.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I don't really metal in the affairs of your realm anymore.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I see.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You do have the card. It would be strange not to honor it. But I guess you have to know what you're getting into.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, yes.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Okay. So then

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

maybe a sample. Oh.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Before, I've I've been so rude. I'm sick that. Perhaps you've heard of me. I have now. Okay. It must not be a film time.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I don't think they were around when I was so active.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

I'm aware of the concept.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

But the films I watch are a little bit more rooted in reality. Oh.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

That sounds awful. I'm so sorry. Oh, it's rather entertaining.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And as she speaks to you, her hair kind of like comes alive. The navy curls and coils kind of naturally refilling your tea cup. Adding sugar stirring for you as the different tendrils kind of come out and start to whisk away dishes, unneeded. And put out a tray of snacks for

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

you. This is this is incredible. My auntie would love to have you over.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Make a persuasion check.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Twenty. She's the sweetest, honestly.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I should very much like to meet her. I could come with me. Maybe I can accept two clients this time. Oh, you mean

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

you mean you would bring her here. She said she doesn't travel well. She has some earks in her back and her knees and she's a little bit slow. So maybe we could go to her.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Normally, oh, coming here exacts the cost. Uh-oh. Normally, I would have to mark your card. But We agreed in light of recent events. I can forgo this cost, and I can help you.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Could you?

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Oh, yes. Yes. Sadara, it's time we talk about your parents.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

What about my parents? They would they're no longer with us. I I miss women.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

No. I guess they're not with you, but they're alive.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

No. They died in a they died in a terrible accident.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Is that what they told you?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

That's what everyone that. Oh, decent.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Well, that's a cruel lie to tell someone.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

What are they? In a place you can't get to them. Why? They're sealed away. But, Zandalari, I think deep down, You always knew that. You're different. You have one foot in two worlds. And you feel like you belong in ether, but you belong in both.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

So I I gotta get to them.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Right now, you can't. But maybe if we continue to work together, I can fix this problem for you.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I would love that. Ever since they've been gone when life has been awful. No one knows. I keep up the appearances as as I'm supposed to and I wave and I sing and I dance and I married the whole thing. It wasn't supposed to be this week.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Your husband, he distresses you?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Not not exactly. It's a very powerful man. You know, he has so many connections and

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

his power means nothing to me.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

All his power means something to me. You know, or maybe you don't. I'm I'm not the youngest girl in the film industry yet.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You're not the youngest.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

No. But sometimes you need a little help in your career to to keep things going and forgive us kind and took care of me when my heart was broken for my parents. He I don't know if he loves me. But it takes care of me when he's allowed. May I speak freely?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Of course.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I think you can take care of yourself and what you need someone who loves you.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I'm gonna make

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

a deal with you, Sitara. Okay. Because I feel like you need my help and I rather like you.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I'm listening.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Roll another d twenty. Oh,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

It was so good the first time. That's an eight. Mhmm.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Hey. Interesting. Well,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I'll tell you

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

what. You do something for me. And Maybe along the lines, I can help you with your Rocky platform.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

No. Sorry. I shouldn't ask so much. I know. I know. I know. What would you like me to do for you?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I want you to look into something for me.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Look into what?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

The people of this region, they used to they used to celebrate me in a way and ask for good harvest.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

They've fallen on hard times.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yes. I think maybe you could use your fame and your influence. To find a way to help them,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

to help them to you, or to help them, help them.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Help them in general. Well, of course,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I could do that.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Do you like helping people? Are you a good person or a

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

bad one? Well, that's a strange question.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I you see, I've been trying to figure out if people are good or bad. Mhmm.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

People in general have been

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

trying to weigh it. On one side, you have

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

people that are rocky. Rocks are very heavy.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

They sometimes bring the scales a little down.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I think. That no one isn't entirely bad. Even people with bad intentions end up doing good things by mistakes sometimes, which could probably lift up a little bit of flocking. And those should do good things. Well, they do them out of the kindness of their heart. They do them for no other reason than but to take care of others, and I think that should outweigh any bad than anyone does. That's what I think, and that's how I live my life.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

You've amused me today, Sadara.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I hope to see you again.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I hope to see you too. May I ask young's name?

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Sometimes I forget, it's been a long time, but

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

that's right. They used to call me Nourdin.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Now, that's a beautiful name.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

So is Sadara. And she evaporates falling down into plumes of thick steam. And as the steam clears, You find yourself back in the world of the living with your card unpunch.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh my goodness.


Oh my god.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.


Oh my god.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

The founder. This is amazing. Let do auntie hairs in her head. Where the hell am I balance?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Don't bike. She looks at Sipara with

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

a look like we know where they are.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

They they're dead and out loud, she says, don't even try it. They're having her. What's going on? Tell me.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Were there boys up there?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Can I can I roll Can I be working our boys?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Nice dry on me.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

You're telling me the truth.


You're the

Omar Najam/Murkha:

one with the boy.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Not exactly what happened.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Oh, also, I I came back to the

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

old guy, like, because

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

of the Nat twenty. Uh-huh. Sethara gains inspiration.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh my god. That's all I tore. Until

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

until the sands in the glass run out. You gain a plus one bonus to all of your roles.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Okay. Now you all. Mhmm. Thank you, guys. I do think it's us. That fast. Dream. Bravo, everyone. I wanna do some kind of an insight check to see if that that was real to deal. Like, do I feel changed? Can I I don't know? There's there's something Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Definitely make a Megan Arconicic.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Thirteen. Plus. Plus what? Forty.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Mhmm. Fourteen. You feel like it was real and in fact as you look back into your hand, you see the unpunched card. The unstamped card, I should say. What happened in

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Where were you?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I just turned around, show to come. And I walk towards the carriage, and I'm a little bit in the days. And normally, you see, she's bright, her face is lifted, she's carrying herself with grace and ease. And somehow, now, it's not just that she looks a little bit like laser focused even though she's not paying attention to anything around her, but it seems like all of her features have hardened a little bit. She's a little bit more angular. I seem a little darker. Everything about her just seems a little more pointed.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

you sad kind of way. Don't have emotions.


And I

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

don't have any emotional ways. She's very concerned, and I think she ambles after her.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. So I just collect this stuff as best I can and try to follow. But

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

attempts to help you and says

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Like, not even thirty. What? Okay. What?

Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Eventually, you get it close enough. That buttresses, greeting acknowledged.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Oh, yes.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

It's like a huge

Omar Najam/Murkha:

victory. BAPA. I hear that from a wild way because I was racing over to the character with the balloon. And I did get stopped on my tracks because I saw the gentleman again with the carriage from before.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:


Omar Najam/Murkha:

I really I have to go. I am searching for this possible criminal, but how much for this carriage?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Make a persuasion check.



Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I suppose eight hundred.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, yeah. That's a steal. Here you go. And how much money?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You give him eight hundred gold?

Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He takes it a little dazed and gives you and gives you the rickatiest carriage you've possibly ever seen full of all types of contraptions in the back.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Am I a days trip away from home.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You're about half a day's trip.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Half a day is perfect. Mhmm. Okay. In that case, what I'm gonna do is really quickly, I am going to cast an Eldridge Cannon that can sort of like essentially think on its own. Mhmm. And I'm going to and so it's like a cannon. Yeah. You gotta quickly build it. It's got it's on AC. It's got it on HP. Mhmm. I whisper. Okay. I need you to drive this thing to my house and keep it there. There you go. And the cannon will then I'll put the cannon in the front seat in the cannon. We'll drive the wack it off. A

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

cat like a bull cannon?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. That's sentient.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

It's like a flamethrower that can, like, walk and and and follow orders. And this is the order.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You see these spider legs. Unfold, and then the cannon begins to scuttle carrying along this rickety cart behind

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Perfect. Okay, great. Now I get to go back to the main mission, and I run over to the three of you. Okay, have you two seen this person?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I already am on my way with, like, walking to the carriage where I think it's going to be in, I assume, like,

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

the cart, like, boom. There's cart.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:


Omar Najam/Murkha:

Have you seen it?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

It's already happened.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. We're we're we're talking to Tara. We got to Tara. What's back? What?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Back from what? She went into this guy and now she's back move.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Pushes you, yes, a little hold

Omar Najam/Murkha:

on. Wait. What?



Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

she didn't fly. She disappeared. She was holding a card, and it's a long story, but We could fill you in probably on the on the way back.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. Okay. Let's let's I I get into the wagon. No. I mean, hug butcha. Butcha is, like, the cobble together Pendoquio to my Chapetto.



Omar Najam/Murkha:

And so I will like, a bunch of will get a prime seat by a window. You

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

know, I will, like, lose somebody.


There you go.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

There you go. There you go.


There you go.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Carriage six. So I like to sit by, okay, fuck. Never mind. No.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

He likes the views.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yep. Great.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

He likes all likes the views.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

As you said, Batcha liked interviews. You noticed, like, Batcha staring ahead.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Right now, I'm not hearing a witness.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I was the first one in the card.


I'm I'm off

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

up against the window and just looking out the window, like, just not paying attention there.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Arty, Arty, Arty,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:


Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

The robot is right. Why are you?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

It's so okay. It's

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

not going

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

But it's

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

it's It's a new robot.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

It's a cute moving ever. It's a really cute robot. It's hard to be upset around that robot, actually.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. I give much a little abacus to play with.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. You see what you're doing. Advance, mad madam.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. You were.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

So what I would like to do is I'm going to say again in your head. I'll ask you one more time, where are my parents? And as I say that, I'm going to pass the deck thoughts on how do you want

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

to. In the meantime, I'm going It's really great to meet you guys.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

As you say this, swinging in through the back door of the carriage, you see a dwarf and he says, Oh, he made it. Welcome. I brought nuts.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Well, I think the time for nuts has passed.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Monty. I'm I'm your nephew and you treat me like a like a air and the boy sometimes.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Sort of a nut Give me the nuts and go. Please?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. Good job, Bill Wonder, and I'll hand a little bit of cash.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

And I good thank you. You learn the floor.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Give give me a persuasion with advantage to see if you can you can prevent the wind there from like leaving you all here.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Okay. So that was an eleven.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

It was around

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

sixteen. Yeah. He pushes the cash out of the ways, you like kiss his face and console him.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

No being sad. Being sad is bad.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, you're detecting God. Is this awesome awesome oceanmagazine


comes with

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

it? Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He hands you a small covered clay pot of lessee as well as nuts. And he goes to tend to the animals and kind of leaning down in the window towards you, Ashley says welcome.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Thank you.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

We are in Cervani. Cervani is not that there's a rivalry, but so probably it's not quite as nice as lock fun. That's where we're going.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

We're going to lock fun.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. I have I have a farm there and Merqa lives in Diwani.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Can you tell me more about the the relations of everybody?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Le Duwani, I've known her since I was a little boy.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

In fact. And Merka, I threw I threw a gallon of cow urine on him when I was a small boy too.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Cow urine. Oh, okay. Yes, ma'am.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I understand that. He was trying to milk a bowl.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

And start to milk a bowl and you threw urine on him.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Well, if you try to milk a bowl, like, clearly, there's some kind of pervert and

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

why was he milking a bowl?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Because he's Merka.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

That is a mischaracterization. I didn't listen to the entire conversation.


He did

Omar Najam/Murkha:

not say a single thing.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Yeah. I'm I'm still waiting on going deep in on

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

your thoughts.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Go ahead and roll. You first learned the surface level thoughts. Of Lord Duarte Mhmm. Which are. Don't be sad. I

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

your parents are dead as far as I understand.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Okay. I'm gonna go deeper.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Further, yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I think they make a wisdom safe?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Yeah. Wisdom safe fourteen. Eleven.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I haven't. Failed. Sithara, you begin to delve into Yaronis mind. You find lots of things that are bothering her. What do you think would be bothering her at the most right now?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

She is feeling some sort of dissatisfaction in her life, a little bit of an aimlessness, SHE DOES THE SAME THING DAY AND DAY OUT IN HER LEDUE SHOPS. I THINK THAT'S HER OVERALL STRESSOR. THE MOST ACUT STRESSOR IS WHERE YOU JUST WENT. Why you are frazzled, why you seem to be upset with her. That's like a nightmare to her, I think.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

And nothing about my balance.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Sethara, give me a investigation check.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Nope. That's one.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

You will now

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

have Let's six. Six. Yeah. Something seems off. You're not able to put your finger on what, but something seems off. You don't think that your aunties lying to you. But you have delved into the minds of others and read their thoughts before. And there's just something off about it. Mhmm. Almost like it's a deja vu.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I'm just gonna stay out the window and turn my head away from her and stay out the window again and petting Jotu who crawls in my lap. Boander

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

It's like noticing that Mark has been listening to him. It's like you were trying to milk a bowl.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I was interested in partaking in the local culture and ingoing that self. Well, I didn't know. I I I I I I personally don't know the difference between a bowl

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

and a cup. I just thought it had one big udder.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Madhu Antti is gusted by this conversation.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Hold on. I I I was approaching a bovine esque creature.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:


Omar Najam/Murkha:

I know. I didn't get close enough to it. And then suddenly out of nowhere, tidal wave of liquid hits me from this onerous child. As a resident.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Don't call him owner.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, fine.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

It's it.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Loan, onerous,

Omar Najam/Murkha:

but protracted, this pissy little child.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Excuse me. This good

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

child. New choice.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

New choices. Vivint. Vivint. Vivint. Vivint.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Vivint. Vivint.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

That had doused me in in in in justice.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I love them as happens or such. This actually this audience has happened in the episode. It's zero. It it actually happened.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

And when I went to your house, La Doondi, The first thing you said to me was no, thank you. I'm not interested.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I probably wasn't. What do you mean? Anyhow, that's what happened.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

And that's how you guys all got to know each other.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

For the most part. Yeah.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Yeah. We all have friends.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. It

Omar Najam/Murkha:

won't spend a couple years.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Water under the bridge. Do you have those where you're from?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. Buckets of piss under the bridge, I guess. I I

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

mean, if that's what you do over there,

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

you know, bridges. Yeah. Yeah. We've got bridges.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Or I heard the situation was pretty bad with though. I mean, it's seasonal.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

It's a tough it's a tough place to live, Rochelle. But that's why my parents settled there. We're we're we're heal we're healers. We're part of a program, healers without borders. And we

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I thought it was clearer to that country's.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. Okay. Listen. Potato tomato. Right?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

That's not

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

how you say. That's how the phrase

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

goes well, welcome.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Thank you.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Sarah, why are you so quiet? What happened?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And Right.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Adi likes She has kind of bit of nosey nice.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

She hasn't turned away. And she hasn't turned back until now, and you just see her take a deep breath and Nothing nothing. Everything's fine. And the face is back to normal and the hair is a little bit more glistening. The face is almost glowing. Like, radiating. Like, she's just had a facial.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

She's That's hard and and pointed.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Exactly what exactly what she looks like. Yeah. Well played.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

We don't say that loud.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

That's right. Nothing darling. Should we go and take our new visitors and well, lovely.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. Absolutely. So that you both are making such a big deal about this. Using is perfectly fine.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

She's very happy now. Good.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Good. Good. What what's that song? You all was saying? Being sad is bad.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Means. That is bad. That's means. That is bad.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Thank you.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

The song carries on the wind, man.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Whatever you get folks from this part of the world singing, will you really just

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

take go

Omar Najam/Murkha:

up and


you know

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Wonderful. I have to sing. It's it's so great.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. This was a really big song back in the day actually.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Oh, yeah. Those were the

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

days that was music, was music from one of your acting shows,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, no. That was definitely not from one of my pictures.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Have you seen her picture? She's very good in

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

the no. We don't get those where I'm from.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, darling. That's so sad.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And indeed, the technology for films is something that's very unique to Veyer. You see the Haryans have figured out how to take the encode thought spell, transcribe it into a crystal, and then project this onto large crystal screens. They're present throughout the country, and the director kind of just directs with his mind.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

This is one of those things I'm so excited to experience here in the heart. I've heard so much about it. I mean, and so to see it first hand would be amazing.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, well done. When my rocky comes back, we both take you to some of my films. We'll take you out to dinner. That will be perfect.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

You're rocky. You're for rocky. Or my husband.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Rocky, whatever. Do whatever.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. Love doing, Anchi doesn't like Rocky. I say out loud.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Well, when you Well, keep the house The

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

indoor part was set

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

out loud. You shouldn't have done that.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

From where he's sitting. When they're, like, nudges you with his, like, like, his stick that he keeps in the rare

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Cold winter keep that And the the motions that way.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Why would why are you Well, I don't see that. While all this is happening, she's just kind of moving this between her fingers.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, I know this. So what Do you

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

know what this is? I actually recognize this. It's so silly. I must have dropped it. You see? I I I don't know what. I know it's because I I I left it when I was running out of the carriage. I don't know where you found it, but Well, yeah.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

The assistant gentleman Mhmm. Whoa. He it seemed to fly out from his from his pocket, I think, and I saw it fight through the end.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

No. He stole it. That must have been what happened. Yeah.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Okay. Can I do perform or or persuasion? What what would the check be to decide

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Inside check by Inside first perception. Yeah. Okay.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

No need to inside check.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Okay. Fifteen. Fifteen?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

You know? Pizza Pizza or Pizza. No. Yeah. No. Because we you are talking so good.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I didn't catch that the hourglass had run out. So you can give it back now. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But I will give you the plus one.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, thank you. Then it's sixteen.


I'll give

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

you the plus one

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

and the sixteen.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Wow. Okay. So I am I I am suspicious and then I go, okay.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. You you definitely don't buy it completely, but You also don't like, you don't keep track of all of

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

the stuff.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I don't keep track of

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

her things, and she seems kind of happy now. So it's like, okay.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

She's she's happy. Whatever. Mhmm.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

And I tuck it into my bosoms.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

But okay. So what is it though?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, it's a car darling. You know, I I get some tailoring done occasionally in this. It is much cheaper than where we live, and a card that makes you disappear. Disappear.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

She has reduced re recently, but this is light.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Are we all sold our own days for children?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

No. It's fine. We don't call it disappearing in the films. You see, it's a special form of acting that we do. It's like a visual effect. Exactly. Wow. Do you want to see another one?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Very much Are

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

you sure you're ready? I you I'm A virtual gaze, everyone else.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, we we need music.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Yes. A virtual gaze,

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

but not me.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

A virtual gaze.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I turned in and I cover Bunch's eyes.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Yeah. It's like it takes you telling auntie, like, twelve times for her to realize you're also talking to her.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

And I do it, ain't it?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You cover but just, like, gently of, like, sort of thrumming LEDs. Like, these two crystals that are, like, omitting some type of electricity. You cover them with their eyes. The light shines a little bit in between the cracks, but he he knows it's not for him to see. Tell me,

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

describe someone you love at home.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, well, I I guess I can tell you this. It won't get back to my parents, but I I met a wood elf that I love. Her name is Lisa. Lisa. Yes. And I love her very much. Yeah.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

And what does Lisa look like?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, she has two braids.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

And as you say that, do my head. That's the braid itself.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

That flow down her shoulders. They All the way down to her head sort of mid area. Mhmm. And they they look like sort of brooms at the end. You know, they sort of bristle out

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

to give them like brooms.


Wow. How

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

are you doing? This is amazing and then

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

she's acting darling. This is incredible. See, the magic of film. No.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I tell you, aren't magical. Stop. You're saying stop it then. This is Hey.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

This is so

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

So you aren't too I don't know if I should keep say, because it's amazing. I think you're incredible. You're you're so gifted.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

They just stroke your face a little bit, and I say, come back.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

So this Lisa is your your friend.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, well, she's more than a friend. Yes. But yeah. Wait.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I see. So you your parents sent you to the heart to get a proper wife. Like, this leasehold thing is

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

over now. My parents don't even know them here.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

This, like, bow when they're, like, half hanging out of the the writer's seat, like, looks in at auntie just to make eyes, like,

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

You want me to call them?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

No. No. No. Definitely not.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

We can't tell them your ear.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, should I just

Omar Najam/Murkha:

call your parents

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

when you?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

You give

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

me the

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

If it's getting late, you

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

know, stop.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:


Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

stop. The young man is in love.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Love no

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

no boundaries, including parents.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I mean, but including parents

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

that are not here right now,

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

but but but love have happens when your parents meet their parents, and then the love

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

of love happens.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I can arrange love for

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

you whenever you would like.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Let's go on deep.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Can we

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I'm going to arrange love for him. It will be nice. I will be there. You will be there.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Another person will be there.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Another arrange love, and it will be very nice. Let's go.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

What do you mean?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I've heard of these districts coverage in red, but

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I'm just blissfully unaware of now. Right.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

No one in Ewanda. I think like Bullwinder unhappy that, like, people are, like, making drugs at auntie's expense. We'll, like, whispering here and, like, they're talking about some unwholesome bad bad

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Well, I don't wish for that. Good.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

So you're in love.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yes. I I I'm in love. Yes.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

But how do you like, without your parents permission?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Well, no. Well, she's a without. They would not approved for you.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Why does she do her parents have bad jobs?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

What does she do? What did, like, what does she do? Oh, let me guess. She's a cleric too. She's a doctor. Mhmm. Because then that's okay.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

She's not a cleric. No.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

What is she?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Oh, she's a huge. She's engineer.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

No. That's good to see.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Our parents, they they are they are In Brexavalt, we have trees. That are made out of pretzels. Congratulations. Pretzels is how you say in your language. And so everyone there harvests the trees that are made out of pretzels. And it's very difficult to pull the pretzel from the bark. Oh, it's not easy. Mhmm. Man, it's dangerous. Uh-huh. People have pretzel them. And so that is part of why we are over there. Healing them, helping with that. And so her parents work as the pretzel minus, and she will too someday, likely be a price low climate. That's how it generally works there. Well, I don't let's talk.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

They're just, like, does one of these. And, like, gets back into the writing the writing seat not wanting to be involved anymore. Why?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

His ice really rolled big. Don't they? That's really something.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

He's a very dramatic man now. What will happen if your parents find out about this?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I don't know. I think they would Well, let's just say I have a brother and he doesn't talk to the family very much anymore. I think something happened between him and mommy and and and papaji and and they don't talk. And so, they how do you say this? They, like, whole garbage. They hold, you know, trash. Agilent state. Sanitation wipes. Sanitation wipes. No. Senator Marcus. Wallenokers. Grudges. They hold grudges. Yeah. So my parents are very grudge holding people. I

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

don't really but

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I don't

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

you see, like, boom in there, like, get mad. In fact, he, like, slows the cart that has been slowly moving through Chanbei. And it's just, like, But if you didn't tell them, you you didn't give them an opportunity to be okay with it, I could

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

just Arty. You don't understand. You don't understand. You they're not your parents.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

They're my parents. Okay. But, you know, I am not a parent, but you just want your kid to be happy. And more I would become more sad if my child kept a secret from me. Lord, you Yeah. It would make me very sad.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

That would make me so sad too if anyone kept the secret.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Well, that I'm glad nobody's keeping a secret from me.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

So now one is keeping secrets here. I get it. Yes. Yeah. Good. I'm hoping this trip will will help me. You see, I I I was born here.



Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

And then when I was about eighteen months or so, right, we we we left. Mhmm. My parents said they wanted I mean, I was just a baby, so I don't even know. But all I really know is that We were doing the that he lives with our borders thing, and and I never been back to the homeland, but I have this memory, you know. For me as a baby and in coming back here, smelling the smells and seeing the sights is bringing the memory back into my head of this mountain. This mountain in the distance and and I know that there's some answers for me if I would go to the mountain. So

Omar Najam/Murkha:

So if I'm understanding this right, we have to turn you back into a baby. I I don't know.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Very busy. He could probably do that. He's an engineer. He could probably

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I I probably could with some chrono magic for a little baby would yeah.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

But do you be talking about that down?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I don't know the name. I just know the shape of the mountain.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

You know? Well, we have the winter house. I mean, there's summer house. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

You would you would know that the Han is a region of In fact, can we get a map up for a place. Whoa.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

It's not me.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I don't like a mom.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I'm a mom. Where?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I will tap BUTCHA's head and I'm going to cast tinkering on BUTCHA and BUTCHA's eyes will project the maps in front of us. You.


I have

Omar Najam/Murkha:

a one of the balloons that's still floating in the marketplace with Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Pork rins

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

in two years. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. As you cast tinkering on butcha,

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

he goes, boop. Yes, boop.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

And I gave him a kiss on the forehead, like, through the map.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh my god. It's so cute.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

He does this proudly. Like, he stands in the middle of you all and, like, assumes a position. Like, he's, like, he's gonna sing or put on a show for you all. And instead of up comes out of his side.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Mhmm. Very good. Wow.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

He's also been practicing the national anthem.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Very naive. Per you should perform that tonight.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Oh my god. I'm making kids perform. Oh.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

It's really good. Do you wanna see you here?

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Yeah. I'm

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

sure. Huge. Right. Oh, this is excellent.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

So Chandbei? Right. So we're we're That's picked up. And we're heading to Lukpun. Mhmm.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And now you can kind of see


Okay. Cool.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

The difference. As this river, the river's still hot branches out it becomes like, you know, it kind of naturally divides this part of the Bahari incontinent you're in the Northeastern part Mhmm. Into three sort of districts Mhmm. At one point, they were they were kingdoms. If we think about it visually as a Federation. So they are they still retain a lot of the culture from the Old kingdoms even though they're not monarchies anymore. Kinda like the EU.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, yeah. So did anybody did anybody break

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Brick. Mhmm. Cut that.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Fair enough.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Actually, no. Yay. So this map is displayed before you through Bachea's eyes.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I only know the shape, but it does look like these Dan mountains could be

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

We both incorrect.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Darden mountains. Mhmm. Now Darden mountains. No. I'll get it later.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Bad uncle Bad uncle.


A child.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Working on his story.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh, wow. Okay. And I'm gonna tap his head again and pull up a new visual of the list of uncles that we rank. Mhmm. Now we're just gonna move you down.


Oh, mom.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

And then, auntie takes up Chrisery Glen's boat.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Oh my god.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

God. God. This is correct.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Uncles Carolans.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

God. And let we don't

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

have an There is an uncles here

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

left. Yeah.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

We all have an uncle that are like

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

My uncle. My uncle. The one you give, like, the must stay from afar. Yeah. She got on a far earlier. I

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Please the whole

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

phone. You

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

talked to him.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. I don't have name. Yeah. And But what's that, like, correct? You.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yes. I'm happy to be corrected, please.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Tarzan is not the name of mountain.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, okay.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yes. No. Like, fetching registry, Taiwan Region. Right. Regent. Former Kingdom.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Former Kingdom. Okay. Got it. But I think these mountains in this area Uh-huh. What they said.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I give

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

it on t.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I give

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

it on t. Good on t. I give

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

it on t.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

A robot one do.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. What's the Ludu.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

It's made of, like,

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

a bunch of gear parts

Omar Najam/Murkha:

and stuff,

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

but shaped like a Ludu, but I keep specifically for what much is good.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

So on the best on the best

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

That's right.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Oh, not the current day is at the bottom?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Mhmm. Okay.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

So you're enjoying laughter. I'm getting I'm like sweating and the idea of like being corrected is, like, starting to really, like, think about hard palpitate, but I'm, like, trying to, like, smile it off and and be be one with you guys, my tail is not having it and swipes at at butcha. There

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

we go.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Roll to head butcha.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Oh, dear. And I'm like, punch no. But it's gone for it.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

It'll be an unarmed strike.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. Which by

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

What's which does AC? Thirteen.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Which amazingly even if it hits, I think hits for zeros.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

That's And

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

arm strike, I don't think it's for zero.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

It doesn't?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

No. It'll be your strength modifier.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Yeah. Which is negative one.


So I

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

think it is for sure. But let's just see if it is anyway.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Oh, yeah. Yours does hit for sure. That's funny. Twelve. I think you said AC was thirteen.



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. The oh, no. I'm really gonna do this. I'm an evil DM. Bunch smacks against Butch's head. It does not hurt him nor redent his armor, but he still registers it You have a moment where a buttress is silent. Then and then it starts. And a little bit of oil starts to come.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh my god.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Sorry. And I just grab my tail, and I'm like, what? Booch. Come on. We're just meeting these people for the first time.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Blood do entrepreneurship.



Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

truffle. And it's Emily. Yeah. You hit my nephew. And is that a straight?


Yeah. That's

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

amazing. Oh, no. I got an okay. I got a not one.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Yeah. You're so upset.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

And and as Ash ducks to, like like, take care of his tail, the jump ball swings wide. No. I doubt it would. No. No. It's just sitting on your

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

head. Yeah.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

If that had hit,

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

my god.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

If I put it back on, Don't So hit my robot like you.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Mean tools. My tail just has sorry.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I don't care to control it.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Okay. We all have to control things. Yes. Very good.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Good. That

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:


Omar Najam/Murkha:

that should I do when we all have

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

control control.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. But just sits in your lap now.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Uh-huh. I I cast a blade word on you butcha. Oh. You got resistance. Yeah.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Against Uncles resistance. Uncles resistance.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

We all need

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

a little uncles resistance Uncles. Bloodening,

Omar Najam/Murkha:

piercing and slashing damage until your next turn.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. But just sits in your lap holding the little mechanical ladom, like a child chastised for no reason. Eyes on you. Oh, I've done it.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

My tail is just, like, waking up, like, wanting to lash, and I'm, like, It's cool. Maybe I should just I should take a rest because it was a long journey.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

As as you say that but just ice flicker and you notice the tier list is updated.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

On battle goals.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

On battle goals.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

On battle goals. And Ashmo's further down. If that's okay.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. Absolutely.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Honestly, I have no frame of reference. I don't know how long the list is, so definitely his meaningless to me. But I

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I've got some bad uncles on there. Sure.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I'll just relax and and kind of close my eyes for a little bit.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Can I do an inside check? Mhmm. And see if if he's actually like, is that is that tail really have mind if it's on?

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead and give me yeah. Give me an insight. I think it's kinda funny.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Mhmm. But I have no idea. I fail whatever role you choose for it to be.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. You you can't tell if he's lying or if he just uses his tail to cover for bad behavior. You can't really discern.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

So the mountain?

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Unsure that you're talking to me. I then realized, oh, yes.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Tell us about the mountain.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

What are I how I really know about the mountain is Well, this is what I remember. I was a baby and I just I don't know what was wrong, but something was wrong in the house.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I could feel

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

fear. I could feel panic, and I could tell my parents were not okay. And I all I could see was this mountain out the window. In the distance and that gave me calm and


it it

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

It made it so I didn't cry, and the mountain gave me peace. That's all I know.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Can I make either can I make a check you decide which one? Mhmm. Because I think it could be a few. To know because Ismihan got got the kind of like like Kalash, you know, where people believe that

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Yeah. Give me a either history

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

give yeah. Give me a history check. Okay.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I want to see if it's a a mystical space.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

What was history? Mhmm. Eighteen. Within eighteen, you know that there is a mountain in Mahankart that is believed to have something there. You know people go on pilgrimages up this mountain. It's a bit of a journey



Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

But you know this to be true. But you know someone who has made the journey. Bow in there.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I'm just gonna keep that to myself a noun, think on it, and I'm sorry you you would want it to sleep. Oh,

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

yes. Thank you.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yes, Baja.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:


Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:


Sandeep Parikh/Ash:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Kitty party?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

That's right.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Kitty party?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

That's correct.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Kitty party?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Yeah. That's yeah. Absolutely.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, this is pretty as week.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

This is Priya's week.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

This is the one that this is the one you said you would go out.

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

Oh my god. This is why I don't live at the house. I need my calendar, my little books.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

You don't need any of that. But go ahead and and read out the report of the reminder that you're giving us.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

La Du Monte. La Du Monte report, retrieve. Reservation, Cater. Oh, god. Decater. Art Decater. I have Decater. Art Decater.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Okay. We fix this. Don't worry. We and I are close. I can tell her that you came down with something.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

No. No. No. I don't want her

Jasmine Bhullar/Noorin:

to think I'm weak. Okay.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

No. No. No.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I'd rather I'd rather And then we can fail

Omar Najam/Murkha:

her ass.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Is this so this alarm is for now, this party is happening now? What's happening tonight?

Omar Najam/Murkha:


Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

This is like a reminder you said something you would know you had to go.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Okay. No. We can something happen. Okay.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I'll do everything. It's okay.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Well, we'll head there. And, you know, we can make ourselves scarce. For the kitty party and make sure that happens. I'll make sure that my cousin is fully settled in.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

Who's thinking about your cousin right now? I've got a gator.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Kidney parties are serious business. More. Kitty parties are not parties for kitties. They're not parties for kittens. They are parties in which time honored in doing tradition as well as a voluntary tradition, where women come together and have a social event with an entry fee. You know that this pool goes to charitable causes, some of which are very close to Lourdourndi and Sithara's heart. Now, you've graciously remembered that you've decided you've allowed your house to be the location of this kitty party since Bria's mansion is being renovated. And so, you make your way to arcane colony, home to some of the greatest inventors in the one At least, we'll see if they make it because that's all we have time for this week on this request.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

We did a thing.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

We did a thing. Yay. Things have been done.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Things have been done. Things have been done. Oh, really? That's

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

not gonna happen.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

Things are getting more and more dangerous by the day. We're getting outnumbered. Natural twenty. Natural twenty. Natural twenty.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Two minus two.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I had a stupid idea. Threat detected. Threat detected.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

What? How

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

dare you make a fool

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

of that woman? How dare you conduct yourself this way?

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Well. John, Andi, Andi, I can explain.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

What do we

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

have to do?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

I am going to tear you thread from thread This was a

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

heel trend. I, the DM was not expecting it.

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

Oh, never tried to kiss me.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

The woods seemed to come alive around you. It's not about me and it's not about you anymore. This is bigger than all of us now. I hope you enjoyed this show as much as we loved making it. But it wasn't just our love that made it possible. This show would not be what it is. Without our friends at Carana Foods, the spark of ages podcast, hero forge, lethal shadows, dog mite, die hard dice, Dimension twenty, and dropout, critical role and Darrington presses Candela Obscura, Misty Mountain Gaming, Blackmagic Design, B. Rogers Studios, Funko Studios, all of our two thousand six hundred and eight kickstarter backers. All of our Patreon backers past and present, this amazing cast and the absolutely tireless and talented crew. Them.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Hey. Join me and Omar for the DC quest after show podcast, The t kennel, where we'll still reach eye and go deep on each episode with special guest from behind and in front of the camera.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Teekay episodes are exclusive to our Patreon backers, so go head up to daisy quest Patreon, support us being able to make more while getting this way cool deep dive on the show and the world. Episode one, h one. Hey.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

This is gonna be There's


some light in here. This is gonna be There's

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

some light

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

in here.

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

This is I have

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

a four to one

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

I'm gonna

Anjali Bhimani/Sitara:

I know it's his child's day. Damn. Is

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

this one that you're not shy?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

This one of the MPC is gonna be a priority baby.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Just relax with the

Jasmine Bhullar/GM:

I'm not gonna hit the camera. I'm not gonna hit the camera. You know, it's a good it's a good that this show's edited.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

Wow. So many names to thank APADY, what? Out of vision. Oh, you're the best.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

What do you think about freaking Carl d Hammond?

Omar Najam/Murkha:

Hector, Oh, my gosh. Oh, my Are you How is everything going? Good? Okay. Good. Jenny the Jester Kirkoff. Sounds like a call

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I'm from Top Gun, and I appreciate that.

Rekha Shankar/Laddoo Auntie:

By the way, in case you weren't really aware of Michael Chapman. Big thank you. In Meijer Shah, Big thank you. And here's something that's interesting that I discovered is nigh in shop also gets a big thank you.

Omar Najam/Murkha:

And Saramed, yes, I will we do validate. I'll get your car right now.

Sandeep Parikh/Ash:

I'm gonna eat your friends.

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